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So many choices…. sometimes you just need an unbiased third eye looking at your situation. We’re really very good at that.

If you’re buying a boat, we can help evaluate your needs, wants, and wishes into a tangible list of choices. There are roughly 11.9 million registered boats in the US and 980,000 are up for sale! That’s a lot of choices!

If you own a boat and want to update, upgrade, or just want more stuff [see our store, before you go shopping!] we can help with that too. In our collective experience of 40 years, we’ve bought stuff that works and stuff that doesn’t. So just let us know what you want to do, and we’ll probably know the type of gear that best suits your needs.

We can also see if we can get you discounts. Vendors can be fickle, but you never know….

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Contact Info


SV FIASCO, Port Starboard, Maryland USA


+443.365.6505 / +703.624.1826



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